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Inject your Jetpack Compose Application with Koin

Written by Olwethu Pissot | Sep 14, 2023 2:12:16 PM

In July, Arnaud had the opportunity to speak at Droidcon Berlin. In the era of Jetpack Compose, Google's modern toolkit for native UI on Android, there are new considerations for application structure and injection. During his session, he dove into these key questions:

🔹 What changes does Jetpack Compose bring to application structure and injection?
🔹 How do we efficiently inject Compose functions?

He also took everyone on a tour of what was then then the latest version of Koin - version 3.4. This release introduced exciting features that effortlessly structure your architecture and enable easy injection of all your Compose components. You can watch the video of his Droidcon Berlin talk here. 

Also, we've now released Koin 3.5 🥳. Check it our here

You can also find out 10min Jetpack Compose Tutorial.


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