This blog post is based on Arnaud Giuliani's talk at KotlinConf 2024, where he shared our incredible...
We're introducing a new experimental feature in Cloud-Inject (currently in Beta): Kotlin Multiplatfo...
Before we even answer that, maybe we should start by explaining why we're even talking about technic...
22.8% of Kotlin developers face growing pains with expanding codebases our survey reveals.
Technical debt isn't just a minor setback. It's a significant barrier—a constraint that hampers our ...
There's a noticeable gap between the theoretical best practices in application architecture and thei...
We're thrilled to share some exciting news that marks a significant milestone in the Kotzilla journe...
We're excited to share that Arnaud, will be on the stage at KotlinConf 2024 - So mark your calendars...